A hospital is thought to have all of the necessary equipment to save lives and tend to a person’s medical needs. Hospitals must be ready to receive any patient that might come in through their doors. But first, medical establishments should know what equipment to get.
They’d have to come up with a hospital equipment list that covers all the key medical apparatuses they must have in their storage rooms. With that being said, we took the liberty to make a list of the medical instruments that should definitely be in any hospital’s repository.
1. Defibrillators
Defibrillators are used during life-threatening situations, like tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmias, and are a must-have in any hospital. They help restore/jump start a heart’s normal rhythm back and make it beat again.
2. Sterilisers
Hospital sterilisers are high-grade cleaners that are capable of killing all types of microbial life, including bacteria, fungi or fungal spores, viruses, and more. Sterilisers are often called autoclaves and an example of this is the Nisea Premium—an efficient autoclave with amazing features!
3. EKG/ECG Machines
Recording the electrical activity of the heart can be difficult. Fortunately, our advances in technology have led us to create an EKG/ECG (Electrocardiogram) machine that lets doctors and nurses monitor the overall rhythm of a patient’s heart.
4. Surgical Lights
It would be a great disservice to both the hospital and the patients if surgical lights weren’t included in their hospital equipment list. Surgical lights help illuminate the surgical setting, giving surgeons adequate lighting conditions.
5. Surgical Table
Without a surgical table, the surgical light would become a bit useless. Surgical tables are an absolute must-have in all hospitals. Surgical procedures and patient preparation would be impossible to perform, if a surgical table wasn’t present.
6. Blanket and Fluid Warmers
Fluid and blanket warmers are essential help prevent post-surgical complications like perioperative hypothermia, increased risk infections, and prolonged hospital stay. Body temperature is a vital factor when it comes to recovery, so having these items in the hospital helps patients recover faster and better.
7. Patient Monitors
Patients are monitored at all times by attending nurses. Patient monitors are medical equipment that helps keep track of a patient’s vitals and condition. It can be used for every patient (infants, pregnant women, adults, elderly, etc.) if necessary.
8. Hospital Stretchers
Moving patients from one place to another is sometimes needed. For example, patients would have to be moved from the emergency room, to their designated hospital room. Hospital stretchers are used for transporting patients and they’re extremely useful, especially during emergencies, where the transfer stretcher becomes the unsung asset for frontliners.There you have it everyone. These are the medical instruments that we think should be in every hospital equipment list. It’s time to re-evaluate that list and make some changes to it. Make sure that you write these apparatuses down and good luck on your purchases! Remember: quality equipment provides quality results, so always choose the equipment that has the best quality!
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