Product Description
If comfort is the number one concern in your practice, then the Airel PACIFIC dental chair is a great solution. Everything from the movement of the chair to the arm of its instrument tray can be freely adjusted to achieve efficient movement for practitioners and relaxed positions for patients.
A single satellite is fixed to the rear of the chair in a position suitable for right- and left-handed practitioners that uses pneumatic technology to drive dynamic instruments. A maximum of six instruments can be fitted to this stand: suction tube, syringe, turbine, pneumatic or electric micro-motor, plaque remover, polymerising lamp, camera, etc. as required for the intended use in question.
The NIRVA 13® is the perfect addition to the working environment structured according to the AIREL concept and the one-piece chair: carefully thought-out ergonomic design, affords an excellent view of the operating area, no abdominal compression (ideal for pregnant women), keeps the patient’s back straight, includes an instrument command pedal, and places the patient’s legs at an ideal angle.